
  • 17 Mar 2023 9:07 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Membership Renewal Opens Today

    You should have received an email earlier today with a link to renew your membership. Membership expires on April 1 so please renew by this date if possible. If you need to make alternative arrangements or do not plan to renew, please contact Membership 

    Unidentified Boats

    On renewal you will be required to confirm that you don’t own any of the unidentified boats. Please review the list carefully as we will dispose of any boats that are not confirmed to belong to a member. Please contact Membership if one of these boats belongs to you.

    Work or Pay becomes Work, Play, or Pay

    We are changing the work or pay system, adopting a system from the Burlington Beach Catamaran Club who have reported great success with the Work, Play, or Pay system. Members will be required to complete 10 hours each year, six of which can be completed through play. Play involves attended club organized events such as BBQs, Regattas, Weeknight Racing, and the AGM. For paddlers, we will be creating a new weekly paddling night. Each event attended counts for one hour regardless of how long the event is. The hours can also be completed through volunteer work as usual.

    At the same time, we are increasing the cost for uncompleted hours to $30 which raises the cost for not participating from $150 to $300. The increase is designed to provide more encouragement for members to engage in club activities, while keeping the cost unchanged for active members.

    The change is on a pilot basis, we intended to try the system for two years and review it to see if it has improved engagement in club activities.

    Active Use Rule

    We have added an active use rule, which states that members must use the boats that they store at Water Rats each year. We don’t view this as a change to the rules, but a clarification. We have a number of tests of active use, for example, Catamarans are required to put their masts up by June 30 each year. But we until now, we didn’t have a rule that explicitly states that members are expected to use the boats that we store. Water Rats mission is to provide affordable access to the water for sailors and paddlers. It is not intended to be a place for cheap storage, and this rule will clarify that. 

    Profile Updates

    Please review your membership profile to ensure that all of the boats you have stored at the club are accurate. Contact Membership if you need to make any changes. Please remember that if you want to bring a new boat to the club, you must obtain stickers before bringing it to the club.

    Volunteer for Changerooms

    We are looking for a volunteer who would like to spearhead the changeroom revitalization project. If you’re able to help, please contact Membership.


    We have a few of the newly built lockers that are available in the container. The ones available are on the upper shelf for a cost of $40/yr. Please contact Membership if you would like one before you renew as the charge will be added to your renewal.

  • 25 Feb 2023 2:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Survey Results

    We recently conducted a membership survey and would like to share the results with you. We received 100 responses which is excellent. We asked several questions about your experiences at the club, which were rated Dissatisfied, Somewhat Satisfied, or Very Satisfied. The charts below show the average rating across the questions asked. A score of 100% indicates that all members answered Very Satisfied; Somewhat Satisfied corresponds to 50%; and Dissatisfied is zero.

    The overall experience for members at the club was great, with a score of 75%. Nonetheless, a few areas for improvement were identified:

    Changing Facilities
    Members were not completely happy with the changeroom facilities. We currently have a men’s and women’s changeroom in the clubhouse. The code for the clubhouse is 6491. Since the change rooms were closed for pandemic, they have become a sort of storage room. We’re going to clean them up and address any deficiencies for the start of the sailing season. We’re looking for a volunteer to help with this task, please reply to this message if you’d like to help.

    Washroom Facilities
    We currently have two portable washrooms that are cleaned on a weekly basis. Unfortunately, these are the best solution we have available. Due to our proximity to the water and the leased nature of our facility, we can’t install a permanent solution such as a septic tank. We investigated upgraded trailer style washrooms, but the cost is prohibitive to rent these year-round. We are going to build a small deck around the washrooms to ensure that they are on a level surface and provide a more comfortable access point. Members who have other thoughts and suggestions for us to consider are encouraged to respond to this email.

    Paddling Storage
    To address the issues with paddling storage, we will be buying or building new racks. They will have a maximum height of three boats, and we’re going to move them to the beach for easier access to the water. The project is underway and more details will follow, but we’re hopeful to have the new racks early in the season and think that they will go a long way to addressing members’ issues.

    Fees and Membership Level
    We also asked members for their feedback on fees and the membership level. The charts below show the responses. A score of zero indicates that members felt the fees were fair, a positive score indicates the share members that felt the fees (or membership level) should be higher, and a negative score is the share of members that felt the fees should be lower.

    For the most part, the scores are very close to zero indicating that members are comfortable with our current fee structure. The results show a preference for more members, and this is something that we are trying to address. We’ve made a lot of space clearing out abandoned boats, and we currently have room for new Laser members as well as a few catamarans. We’re also tackling the large problem of member engagement.

    The other area that members thought was too high is the volunteer requirement. Water Rats is a volunteer run club. We have no employees, and we have the work-or-pay system because we need all members to chip in to make the club a success. Unfortunately, the majority of our members do not volunteer at all. On the other hand, many members are putting in well above the required hours (often a very significant amount of time). While we can understand that not everyone wants to volunteer, the results clearly show that the work-or-pay system is not working as a way of encouraging members to volunteer and contribute to the operations of the club. We’ve discussed the issues, and don’t feel that decreasing the requirements make sense but we are going to look at what adjustments can be made.

    We also received a number of excellent suggestions in the comments that we’re going to look into implementing, such as organized sailing and paddling social times, a webcam to view the water conditions, and improved security. Stay tuned for further updates.

    Volunteer Opportunity

    We are looking for a volunteer who would like to spearhead the changeroom revitalization project. If you’re able to help, please respond to this email.

    Masts Down Rule

    This winter we’ve had strong winds that have caused boats stored with their masts up to topple over or fall off their trailers. Boats being blown over can cause significant damage to other members’ property. To address this issue, members will now be required to take their masts down by Nov 30 each year. 

    Unidentified boats

    As a reminder, members are required to request permission and obtain stickers before bringing a new boat to the club. We have found a number of boats without stickers; if one of these belongs to you, please respond to this email to claim it. Boats that have been left at the club without permission are considered legally abandoned and may be removed at any time.


    We have a few of the newly built lockers that are available in the container. The ones available are on the upper shelf for a cost of $40/yr. Please respond to this email if you would like one.

  • 21 Jan 2023 6:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    2022 Membership Survey

    We are looking for your feedback on how to make Water Rats better. We've created a survey with questions to better understand your experience at the club. If you have the time, please fill out the survey. In addition to the questions, there is a comment section at the bottom where you can leave additional feedback. Take the survery here.

    2022 Volunteer Hours

    The volunteer hours for 2022 have now been recorded on your profile. If any corrections are necessary, please reach out to Michael by Feb 15.

    Unidentified Boats

    We have several boat and trailers at the club whose owner is unknown. As a reminder, members are only permitted to store the boats and trailers listed in their profile at the club. Members must request permission and obtain stickers before bringing any new boats to the club. If you brought a boat to the club in 2022, could you please review the pictures and reach out if one of these belongs to you.

    See you in the spring!

  • 18 Nov 2022 12:02 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Update: Link to Zoom meeting is added below. 

    A quick note on virtual AGM. It’s worth mentioning, that while we are keen to return to in person meetings, we are also mindful that our members do not all share the same level of risk tolerance surrounding covid. Sadly, the club does not have access to reliable enough internet to hold the meeting in a hybrid fashion. Because of these facts, and the number of recent COVID cases, we’ve decided to hold off on having the event in person for 2022. On a positive note, the number of people attending the AGMs over the last few years in a virtual setting has been quite high. 


    Rat Reports 

    Rat Reports.pdf

    2021 AGM Meeting Minutes

    2021 11 21 Water Rat Sailing Club - AGM 2021 Minutes.docx.pdf


    1. Call To Order

    2. Approve 2021 Minutes

    3. Director Reports

      • Money

      • Body

      • Paper

      • Dinghy

      • Paddle

      • House

      • Race

      • Party

      • Web

      • Badger

      • Chief

    4. Elections
      • Money
      • Body

      • Paper

      • Dinghy

      • Paddle

      • House

      • Race

      • Party

      • Web

      • Chief

    1. Proposed BYLAW Changes
    2. Other Business

    3. Adjournment


    How to Connect

    Link to Zoom Meeting:

    Dial in number: 1-647-558-0588 

    Meeting ID: 123-333-5638 


    Best way to connect:

    Use your personal computer at home.  

    Click the link above


    Second best way to connect: 

    Use your mobile device

    Click the link above


    Third best way to connect: 

    Use your telephone

    Use the External Dial In number (see above) 

    You will also need to enter the Meeting ID (see above)

    Then hit "#" on your keypad


    Note that we do need 15% of the membership to attend to make this an official AGM.  That is about 32ish people.  If you can, please do attend.

    Running for 2023

    Here’s what we currently know about who is running for re-election for 2023, please reach out if you are also interested in running for one of these positions.


    Incumbent 2022

    Running for 2023

    Chief Rat (Commodore)

    Jeff Gerrits

    Jeff Gerritts

    Money Rat (Treasurer)

    Gordon Akum

    Gordon Akum

    Paper Rat (Secretary)

    David Street

    David Street

    Lead Body Rat (Membership)

    Michael Williamson

    Michael Williamson

    Dinghy Rat (Membership)

    Joe Van Rossem

    Joe Van Rossem

    Paddling Rat (Membership)

    Christy Sneddon

    Shona Chornenki

    House Rat (Grounds)

    Barb Anderson

    Barb Anderson

    Race Rat (Racing, Vice Commodore)

    Ray Davies

    Ray Davies

    Party Rat (Social)

    Monika Roschlaub

    Walburga Groetzinger

    Web Rat (Communications)

    Annette Bradford

    Annette Bradford

    Badger (Past Commodore)

    Norm Lamb

    Norm Lamb

  • 09 Nov 2022 9:43 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    New paddle rat needed!

    If you're interested in joining the Water Rats board as paddle rat please contact Norm Lamb.

    Boat lift day: Saturday November 12

    A  crane coming to move the boat lift in the am and we could use some help from 9 am - 2 pm. Bring work gloves, rakes and wheel barrow if you have them.  Contact Barbara Anderson

    Winter party in January

    Are you interested in attending a holiday party in January? Please visit our website to let us know in an online poll. We're trying to sort out numbers.  

    Free AED training for 10 members

    We will be holding an AED workshop. Please contact Barbara Anderson with your interest. Priority will be given to active members. 

    Please save the date: AGM

    On November 27 at 2pm Water Rats will hold its annual general meeting. The official announcement of the meeting with agenda and other materials will follow shortly.

    Volunteer Hours

    Please submit your volunteer hours for 2022 using our online form by November 30, 2022. Make sure to use the email address that you log into the Water Rats website with. We will not be making corrections to the volunteer hours by email due the significant effort required to do so.

    Winter Storage

    Members are permitted to store the boats listed in their profile over the winter. Members who wish to store another boat may request permission to do so for a fee of $50 per boat, subject to available space. Winter Storage runs until April 30, 2023.

  • 14 Oct 2022 2:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Nearly the end of the season (boo)

    Please visit the club and make sure your boats and equipment are safely stored and secured!

    And we hope to see you for some skating when the harbour ice freezes.

    No fall clean up

    To help the critters that we share our property with, we're going to leaves our leaves this year. Ground cover is a great way to help out moths, butterflies, snails, spiders and others.

    But: we will be putting out a call for help to bring the boat in AND we may be organizing a group of people to help get a few outstanding club projects done. Stay tuned!

    Winter party

    We're on this year! December is a busy time so we'll be having a post holiday party in January.  We're looking for a volunteer who can find a venue and a date and organize volunteers for the event.  It's a great way to get those last few volunteer hours in. Please contact Monika Roschlaub if interested.

  • 15 Aug 2022 9:35 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Join us for another BBQ Bash on August 25

    Join us at Water Rats for an all-members BBQ on Thursday August 25 at 7 pm! Free food and good company for everyone!

    We need 5 people to help out (three people to do set up and two people who will do the cooking of the meat/veggie burgers).

    This involves being at the club around 6 pm, helping with setup AND clean up including cleaning dishes, bowls, utensils, taking out the garbage, etc.

    Please contact Monika Roschlaub if you're available. Hours will count towards club hours.

    Free AED training

    Help save a life! We are sponsoring training for 10 members.  Members who are more frequently around the club will be given priority. 

    Please contact Barbara Anderson if you're interested. 

    Volunteer for our cat regatta on Sept 10/11

    Our cat regatta team needs volunteers for a variety of positions on the weekend of the race.

    Please contact Beata Sejane if you are available. Hours will count towards club hours.

  • 22 Jul 2022 2:30 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Club closure: July 28

    Ant spraying is done twice a season usually in June and July. No one is allowed on the property between 8 am and noon.

    If you come and ant spraying is underway, YOU leave the property not the ant sprayer. Today the ant sprayer had to leave as some club members refused to.

    The club will be sprayed Thursday the 28th. 

    Locker Building Day: August 6 from 10 am

    We have purchased a shipping container which will house 40 new locker spaces. There will be a work party on August 6 at 10 am to fit out the interior of the container with the individual lockers. We need members to help with the construction. Please bring your own hammer and drill if you have them.

    Once the lockers are built, members who indicated they would like a locker on their membership renewal will be contacted.

    Please don't forget to log your volunteer hours so they count towards your six required hours for 2022.

    Marvin Coulson GoFundMe

    If you are able one of our club members, Marvin Coulson (you may know him as the guy who cuts our grass) is in need of some help.

  • 09 Jul 2022 9:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We have an AED for medical emergencies

    We have an AED, a device known to save lives if someone is having a heart attack. It is located in the clubhouse under the thermostat. Instructions are on the wall .

    All members are requested to review this video in order to learn how to use the device.

    Additional training will be announced at a future date. 

    Marvin Coulson needs your help

    Water Rats member and volunteer, Marvin Coulson is having some medical issues. You may know him as the member who cuts the grass at the club. His nephew has set up a Go Fund Me where you can make a contribution to assist towards his recovery.

  • 10 Jun 2022 1:48 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Club closure dates 

    Please note that the club will be closed June 14 and July 28 from 8 AM - 12 PM for spraying. 

    Our clubhouse is clean! 

    Please help us keep it that way by knocking the sand off your shoes before entering and cleaning up after yourself. 

    Thank You!

    Thank you to Roger Moss who very kindly donated his boat to the club for sale in the WRSC auction. The proceeds from the sale will go towards building new locker space

    Unidentified boats

    We need your help in identifying the owner of a few more boats and trailers at the club. Please take a look through the photos and reach out to Michael if one of these boats belongs to you.

    Join the Cats race practice at JTown 

    JTown is hosting a new initiative this year, running seven basic race practice sessions bi-weekly on Sundays at 3 PM. All cats are welcome! They'll will be setting up in front of JTown on the South side of the Water Rats spit. 

    Here is where you can find more information.

    Here's how to finish your volunteer hours

    Thank you Shona, Earl, Franziska and the gang for great picnic table work! Thanks also to Bruce for our amazing shade on the porch.

    Still missing a few? Here are some things that still need doing!

    LOCKER CLEANING: Prepare (clean & sand) & paint the rusting lockers & windsurf container roof. L Mc is the project lead but we need some assistants.

    FIX CONCRETE CYLINDERS: On the 2 last fence poles in water. Project lead is Bruce Hanson, we need assistants.

    WATER BIG MAPLES: To keep the guarantee on the planted trees - need to be watered every week Spring to October. Need to know how to operate a gas water pump so can water from the lake. Join Micheal and Barbara in taking care of our new trees.

    Please contact Barbara Anderson if you can help out!

    Please don't forget to log your volunteer hours so they count towards your six required hours for 2022.

    See you on the water!

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